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Holy Lands

This study abroad tour includes lectures from some of the leading archeologists and scholars in Israel and visits to ancient sites in Israel and Jordan. Numerous once-in-a-lifetime experiences work together to bring the land of the Bible to life in a way that will enrich your biblical knowledge and reading for the rest of your life.

You’ll  also have opportunities to participate in activities such as snorkeling in the Red Sea, a Camel trek through Wadi Rum, swimming in the springs of Sakne, hiking down the Arbel Cliffs, Jeep treks through the desert in Jordan, an evening boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, floating in the Dead Sea, participating in the Temple Mount sifting project, and an archeological dig in Beth Gurvin.

Some scholarships are available to help you study abroad cheap, so interested students should apply early.

Details, application materials and year-specific trip information are available on the Center for Holy Land Studies website.

Want to learn more about study abroad? Contact your Study Abroad Coordinator.

Basic Information

Where:  Israel and Jordan.

What: This study abroad tour is led by the AG Center for Holy Lands Studies and counts as BIBL472 Bible Lands Seminar. It is a an academic trip so students are required to do reading and other assignments before traveling.  NCU students travel with students from other AG colleges and members of Chi Alpha campus ministries groups.

Who can participate: All interested NCU students who have successfully completed at least 24 credits.

It is required for the following majors:

When: 3-4 weeks each May-June