Best major for your enneagram type

The best major for you according to your Enneagram type

Personality tests are more popular than ever, with the Enneagram quickly making the top of the “go-to” personality test. Not only are they a great resource for learning about yourself, but personality tests can be great conversations starters, and a great point in getting to know someone.

Although the Enneagram typing system has recently gained intense popularity, it has roots that date back to the early nineteenth hundreds. Over the years many resources and books have been created and expanded, making the popular typing system we know today robust and readily available.

The Enneagram is a model of personality in which there are nine different types of personalities, and each relate to each other according to the geometry of the Enneagram figure. The Enneagram deep dives into the motivations, strengths, and weaknesses of each type.

Many find the Enneagram to be very helpful navigating relationships, becoming self-aware, and even learning more about the things they are naturally attuned to.

Other tests, like Myers Briggs, can be especially helpful in determining a career path or even a college that would be a great fit for you. Whereas the Enneagram’s focus are the key motivations and values someone holds.

There are a lot of free online resources that can help you identify and learn more about your Enneagram type if you haven’t yet! Since the Enneagram has gained so much traction over the years and is a great tool in learning about yourself, we have created a list of each Enneagram type and matched it to some great options that North Central University offers in their undergraduate studies majors.

Best Majors According to Your Enneagram Type

Type One: The Reformer

Type One is most known as the rational and idealistic type. They can be described as principled, purposeful, self-controlled, and perfectionistic. If this is your personality type, majors you may do well in could include Accounting and Finance, English, or Biology.

Type Two: The Helper

Type Two is known as the caring and interpersonal type. They are described as expressive, generous, self controlled, serving, and caring. If you are a type Two, you could do well in the following majors: Social Work, Pastoral Studies, and Global Studies.

Type Three: The Achiever

Type Three is known as the success-oriented, pragmatic type. They are usually described as adaptive, excelling, driven, and image-conscious. If you are a type three, you would be great in Business Administration, Music performance, or Communications.

Type Four: The Individualist

Type Four is typically known as the sensitive or withdrawn type. They are often described as perceptive, innovative, secretive, and isolated. If you are a type four you might do well in pursuing a degree in Recording Arts, Digital Media, or Entrepreneurship.

Type Five: The Investigator

Type Five is known as the intense, cerebral type. They can be described as perceptive, innovative, mysterious, or isolated. If you are a type Five you would do well in the following majors: Computer Science, Education, Management Information Systems, or Psychology.

Type Six: The Loyalist

Type Six is described as the committed, security-oriented type. Enneagram Sixes are often described as engaging, responsible, anxious, and suspicious. A type Six would do well in pursuing a major in Education, Biology, America Sign Language, or Theological Studies.

Type Seven: The Enthusiast

Type Seven is described as the busy and fun-loving type. They are oftentimes spontaneous, versatile, distractible, and scattered. Type Sevens would do well in pursuing a major in Recording and Performance Arts, Marketing, Theatre, or Communications.

Type Eight: The Challenger

Type Eights are often described as the powerful, dominating type. They are often self-confident, decisive, and justice-driven. If you are a Type Eight you would do well in pursuing a degree in Business Administration, Sports Management, Social Work, or Interdisciplinary Studies.

Type Nine: The Peacemaker

Type Nines are often described as easygoing or humble. They are often receptive, reassuring, agreeable, or can be complacent. If you are a type Nine, you might do well in pursuing a degree in Global Studies, Education, or Youth, Children, and Family Ministries.

No matter what Enneagram Type you are, the most important thing to remember is that it is just a starting point. These compatibility suggestions are to get you thinking about your future. Whether you’re and Enneagram Two wanting to pursue a degree in Social Work (or fill in the blank), you have a place here at North Central University!
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