Prepare for a Life in Ministry with a Pastoral Degree from NCU

The world needs talented, passionate pastors who have a firm foundation built on a quality education. 


Gain invaluable skills, professional experiences, and ministerial opportunities with North Central University’s options for both online and on-campus offerings for pastoral degrees.

You Are Called to Share the Gospel

Christ wants us to give generously of our time, talents, finances, and resources to help believers grow in their faith and the unchurched learn of His divine love. 


A pastoral degree will equip you with the vocational experiences and academic knowledge to pursue a life of professional ministry that will transform lives. Share your gift of the Gospel, lead those that are lost, and make an impact on communities that need your guidance.

Ecclesiastes open in a church in between two candles

Prepare to be a lead pastor in a church alongside passionate professors who will help you root your skills firmly in biblical and theological understanding.

Group of people raising their hands worshipping

Gain invaluable hands-on experience leading a congregation and church organization through our community outreach partnerships.

Two people holding hands

Actualize your God-given gifts and serve as a model of Christian character and lifestyle for the communities you serve. 

NCU Offers Traditional and Online Pastoral Degree Options

  • Prepare to be a lead pastor in a church and gain a firm foundation for graduate school
  • Stoke your passion to serve God and your neighbor
  • Preach effective, authentic, accurate messages as your share the Word of God
  • Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the history of Christianity, global studies, theology, leadership, and discipleship
  • Designed for students who want to pursue a graduate degree, apply for ministerial credentials, or pursue ministry goals like Bible translation, chaplaincy, or university teaching
  • Gain knowledge of both Old and New Testament content, the history of Israel, reading knowledge of either Hebrew or Greek, and much more
  • Opportunities to choose a minor or supporting program so you can explore another area of interest, including Biblical Languages, Campus Missions, Evangelism & Church Planting, and beyond
  • Flexible programs for online students with the same access to rigorous, foundational curriculum and enthusiastic professors
  • Learn about the operation, administration, and organization of the local church, including the unique role of the lead pastor
  • Pursue the mission of the Church and engage in the practice of spiritual formation of character and responsibility
  • Build a background of financial and management skills

Pastoral Degree Career Options

Thiago Barletta speaking


Man holding a bible leaning over a pew

Bible Instructor

Five students having a conversation at a desk

Christian Administrator

Old church in the country

Church Planter

Four students sitting down outside talking


Soldier talking to two small children

Military Chaplain

Group of kids smiling

Ministry Worker

Find Your Calling, Identify Your Purpose, Share Christ with the World.


It All Starts with a Pastoral Degree from North Central University. Apply Now!