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4+1 Program
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4+1 program

Earn your undergraduate and graduate degrees faster – in 4+1 years

At North Central University, we offer a rigorous five-year option to students who are interested in earning their undergraduate and graduate studies degrees quickly. As an undergraduate senior student, you may enroll in two* 500-level courses in the Masters in Strategic Leadership graduate program that will help you get a head-start on your graduate studies.

*Some undergraduate majors are eligible to enroll in up to three graduate studies courses during the undergraduate senior year.

NCU undergraduate students who are interested in the 4+1 program must meet the minimum requirements of:

  • 90 credit hours accumulated at the time of their first graduate course
  • A cumulative GPA of 3.00 or above
  • Interview and approval by the program director

Leadership Certificate option

  • Nine credit undergraduate certificate for students approved for the 4+1 Program
  • Take any nine credits of 500-level graduate studies courses
  • Courses will apply to both the undergraduate Leadership Certificate and the master’s program degree requirements
  • Courses cannot be double-counted to also meet undergraduate major core degree requirements

Hear from a 4+1 grad

Questions? Fill out the form below to request more information.

To set up an interview with the graduate studies director, contact the Graduate Studies office at 612.343.4184 or